Thursday, 10 February 2011

The Epiphany

The Christ child is revealed to the Gentiles, for the first time, to the Wise Men who travelled from the East to see and worship him. The Epiphany therefore, was seen as a sign that this manifestation, the good news, the message of Christ was born, universally for all people, for all time.

And we have this beautiful image later in the story of these wise, wealthy, if not powerful men, kneeling to worship the Christ child with such joy and humility.  "And when they had opened their treasures they presented unto him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh".  Gold, frankincense and myrrh, gold the gift of Kings and the emblem of royalty "Hark the herald angels sing" - "Glory to the new born king" - a familiar line from a favourite Christmas carol. 

But this king is the subversion of earthly authority, his kingship is the end of egotistic power seeking, the end of worshiping glamour and wealth, it is the proclamation of God's Kingdom on Earth, the gift of grace. This king is the teacher who tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven lies within ourselves.